To add multiple servers, do I add multiple "server <server>" lines, or do
I delimit them somehow, like with a comma or something?

I synched my system clock to make sure.  Will have to see on next reboot
if this helps.

I was changing settings to files in /etc/ntp, but never actually modified
/etc/ntp.conf, so maybe that was my problem.

Thanks for the help.

> On Mon, 6 Jan 2003, Justin Johnson wrote:
>> Hello,
>> After a new install, my computer fails to sync to the ntpd server
>> (  After booting up, if I configure it via gnome, it
>> syncs fine and corrects my time, but after rebooting it errors upon
>> sync again. Has anyone else had this problem?  One thing I noticed is
>> that it appears to change the server from to my own IP
>> when I reboot.  Not sure why it is doing that.
> One thing to check is how far off your system time pre-sync is from the
> current real time.  If it's more than a couple of hours ntpd will assume
> something has gone wrong with the network time and refuse to sync your
> system, exiting instead.  To set your hardware clock after you've
> synchronized on network time do:
> /sbin/hwclock --systohc
> Also note that the ntp people prefer you to use a stratum-2 or stratum-3
> server, not a stratum-1 server like  The load on
> stratum-1 is already extraordinarily high keeping the other strata in
> sync, so the added load of workstations that could use a lower stratum
> should be avoided.  Pick 5 - 10 servers from this list:
> and put them in your ntp.conf file.  Ntpd will handle finding the best
> timesource to synchronize against, and you'll minimize the load on the
> core of the NTP network.
> --
> Michael D. Jurney
> --
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