On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 05:24, Justin Johnson wrote:
> Hello,
> After a new install, my computer fails to sync to the ntpd server
> (time.nist.gov).  After booting up, if I configure it via gnome, it syncs
> fine and corrects my time, but after rebooting it errors upon sync again. 
> Has anyone else had this problem?  One thing I noticed is that it appears
> to change the server from time.nist.gov to my own IP when I reboot.  Not
> sure why it is doing that.

I had to comment out ALL of the authentication stuff before it would
work on my system.

These are the only 4 lines left uncommented in my ntp.conf:

server time.nist.gov
fudge stratum 10
driftfile /etc/ntp/drift
broadcastdelay  0.008

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