On Thu, Jan 02, 2003 at 08:50:16PM +0100, Patrick Marquetecken wrote:

> Yes is a storage device, and start a 32 megs.
> I'm posting to this, because even with the error message the device is
> mounted 
> Wy?

Because it's an USB device, thus unavailable at initial partition mount
time. Only after the USB modules have been loaded it the block device
available and it get's automounted. Try adding the noauto to the options
in /etc/fstab and see if the error goes away. Note that this might
prevent the filesystem on the stick from being mounted at all
automatically, and you would have to manually mount it when you want to
use it, in pretty much the same fashion as diskettes.

Javier Gostling                        Av. Kennedy 5757, of. 1502
Ingeniero de Sistemas                  Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Virtualia S.A.                         Fono: +56 (2) 202-6264 x 130
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Fax:  +56 (2) 342-8763

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