Neil Loffhagen wrote:
This is what I see when I look in the following folder, when it is

[neil@laptop neil]$ pwd
[neil@laptop neil]$ ls -la
total 8
drwxr-xr-x    2 neil     neil         4096 Dec 18 20:56 .
drwxr-xr-x    3 neil     neil         4096 Dec 18 20:56 ..

But I can't seem to cd into either of the neil folders?  Or am I
misreading this?  I see it as two different folders both called neil?
Is this correct or am I missing something?  If they are there this could
be where the missing folders are?
The directory name is the last thing listed (. and ..). {.} is the current directory, and {..} is the parent directory (one level up). Thus, if you wanted to move up one directory, you would type `cd ..`.

The neil neil is the name of the owner and group to whom each file/directory belongs. Check your home directory (`ls -la /home/neil) to see move files/folders. If you only have the . and .. directories, that means that nothing else is in there.

Do you remember the names of the files/folders that you lost? If so, you can update your locate database and try to locate the name:

(This will take 5-10 minutes to complete)
su -
Password: (enter the root password to become superuser)
updatedb (This is the long part)
locate name (where name is the name of the files that you lost)


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