On Fri, Dec 27, 2002 at 01:23:33PM -0600, Ed Wilts wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 27, 2002 at 05:42:09PM +0000, Neil Loffhagen wrote:
> > This must be one of the most stupid mistakes to b made...
> Nope - it's the fun that's caused by having /mnt/neil be valid if the
> mount point is not really mounted.  I've usually done the reverse -
> tried to backup to /mnt/backups and discovered that my nfs server wasn't
> mounted.  This typically results in filling the root file system :-(.

Easy workaround: create a dummy partition on disk and mount it as /mnt.
If /mnt/backups wasn't mounted, then your backup will fail, but your
rootfs will still be there and keep your system running.

Javier Gostling                        Av. Kennedy 5757, of. 1502
Ingeniero de Sistemas                  Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Virtualia S.A.                         Fono: +56 (2) 202-6264 x 130
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Fax:  +56 (2) 342-8763

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