On Thu, 26 Dec 2002 16:29:02 -0500
Hal Burgiss said:
>Not smarter, wiser. Since when is the acquisition of knowledge and
>understanding a bad thing? I kinda thought that was what it was all
>about. No?

On Thu, 26 Dec 2002 14:09:04 -0800 (PST)
David Durst said:
>It is not a bad thing, it is desired.  But in a place I like
>to call reality 99% of the people on this planet will never
>be in the smart, wise or anything like that category.

To my tired eyes, both opinions apparently are based on an untenable 
assumption: That people who lack either the time or the inclination to 
delve into the arcana of Linux, RedHat, or Gnome, are either undeserving 
or somehow foolish or stupid.

Some people work/play with computers for the love of computers. The 
overwhelming majority of computer users, however, use them because 
computers are simply the best tool for the job that has to be done. The 
distribution of foolishness and stupidity within that population is no 
different than within the population of computer-philes. 

All the poor guy wanted to know is where his kill app went. He got one 
possible answer from Donald G Wilson Jr (create a link to xkill), and a 
bunch of messages either excoriating him for having priorities other than 
learning how to swap window managers, or insulting him by lumping him with 
"99% of the people on this planet [who] will never be in the smart, wise, 
or anything like that category." (Such arrogance! Do you really believe 
that 99% of the people on this planet are stupid or foolish?)

In response to the original question, FWIW, search the recent archives (or 
Google) for "sawfish." There was a discussion recently on how to replace 
Metacity with sawfish that might help. 
Have fun.


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