> Message: 12 Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 17:40:47 -0800 (PST)
> From: hmc > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: poweroff fails on Dell Dimension
> 4500 with RH8
> Lanny,
> Unfortunately, no one seems to respond to this query. Perhaps someone
> could recommend another list.
On the Dell Customer Support Forums,for Dimension, under "software", I think the first one is Linux (non Dell installed). I haven't looked there recently, but you might post something there.

Also, because of the Christmas - New Years holidays, this list has very
little traffic, at this time. You might wait a week or 10 days and if
nobody else responds, repost here.

> I am surprised since Dell is a very popular brand and I would assume
> lots of RH8 running on the Dimension 4500, or other Dell models that
> seem to exhibit the same behavior, as you point out.
Dell won't support software they do not install and my belief is they
won't sell a Dimension Linux box at this time, so they won't support RH Linux or any other distribution, as they did a couple of years ago with RH. I'm hoping in the future they will permit those of us who do not want MS Windows to purchase a Linux box, or, one with a very limited OS, as they permit Enterprise customers to do.

Since I have this issue on our Compaq box, I will post something on the
HP Compaq EVO board about it and possibly someone there will give us the answer. It's not limited to your Dell Dimension 4500 or our Compaq D300v EVO. GL with this.

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