On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Thomas Dodd wrote:

> Missed the start of this, but why not a combo? I have a Focus FK-7200. 
> It's a USB keyboard+trackball.
> only 2 buttons, but for most work it's fine, and much easier that 
> carying both around for a notebook.

actually, everything is working fine.  portability is not an issue
since, for the time being, i'm just working at home and all i wanted
was a temporary workaround for an increasingly-flaky keyboard on
the laptop.

i got a $10 (that's canadian dollars!) keyboard, and upon reboot,
kudzu detected and configured the logitech usb mouse.  so all is
well.  i just need to find the time to ship this puppy back to dell
for eventual repair.


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