On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 14:54, Sean Millichamp wrote: 
> On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 15:43, Bruce Douglas wrote:
> > new to linux. i've configured a server with rh8.0. i'm curious as to how one
> > might go about configuring/setting up the server so i can remotely access
> > the server and display the kde/gnome desktop.
> To display the entire desktop (similar to how you'd see terminal
> services or PC Anywhere) you want to use VNC.  However, if you don't
> need/want the whole desktop and just want to run X apps remotely you can
> do that too (but this needs more bandwidth).  To enable the remote
> display of X apps do "ssh -X servername" as another poster suggested. 
> Then just run the X command name at the prompt.  The processing will be
> done on the remote machine but all the display information is sent to
> your local display [1].
> VNC is a little harder to setup but is more of a "virtual screen" and a
> more bandwidth friendly protocol.  On the server you want the
> "vnc-server" RPM installed and on the client you want the "vnc" RPM
> installed.  On the server you need to edit /etc/sysconfig/vncservers to
> suit (there are directions in the file, follow them) and then start the
> VNC server service:
> # /sbin/service vncserver start
> Then you can use your Linux or Windows VNC client of choice to access
> it.  I highly suggest reading the VNC documentation.  Note that VNC is
> not secure by default so you shouldn't do this across an untrusted
> network unless you know what you are doing.  Also, if you are running
> with a firewall you might (probably) need to open up the ports VNC uses
> on the server.  This is only a very high-level sort of explanation of
> VNC intended to get you pointed in the right direction...
> Hope that helps.
> Sean
> [1] In X parlance the "server" is the machine displaying the apps, the
> "client" is the program that is displaying to the "server".  Thus,
> XFree86 (the environment that displays all the graphics when you sit at
> a Linux box) is an "X server" and when you run (for instance) mozilla it
> is the "X client".  Of course, the client and the server can run on the
> same computer but they don't have to because X was designed with
> networking in mind.  That's why/how the first option above works.
In this vein...I am having a problem with VNC that perhaps someone can
shed some light on. 

After reading the an article in the Linux Journal magazine - which I've
saved for quite some time, I wanted to set up VNC so I can have a
continuous session going, whether I am on the localhost or one of the
other machines around my house (yes, it's decadent but I figured, the
learning experience would be good). 

The article is online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I am using RH 8 

The problem that I ran into is this... 
I changed /etc/init.d/vncserver as follows... 

           "su ${display##*:} -c \"cd ~${display##*:} && [ -f 
.vnc/passwd ] && vncserver :${display%%:*}\"" 

            "su ${display##*:} -c \"cd ~${display##*:} && [ -f 
.vnc/passwd ] && vncserver ${ARGS} :${display%%:*}\"" 

and changed /etc/sysconfig/vncservers by adding a line... 

ARGS="-geometry 1024x768 -alwaysshared " 

all per the article... 

When I try to start vncserver (service vncserver start), I get an error 
that it can't find the file which I am certain is -geometry 1024 x 768 
-alwaysshared instead of using those as arguments to the vncserver 
command within /etc/init.d/vncserver 

I have tried various combinations...i.e. removing -geometry 1024x768 and
by removing -alwaysshared and even deleted the ${ARGS} and replaced it 
with -alwaysshared and the same error occurs... 

Is anyone doing this? Does anyone see the cause of the problem? 


If I log in locally and then log out...then any application that I used
locally will give me an error if I try to use it via VNC -

(KDE) - KLauncher could not be reached via DCOP

and vice versa - if I use an application from remote VNC Connection and
close the connection, I get the same error when I log on locally and try
to launch the application.



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