Around Tue,Dec 03 2002, at 09:22,  Martin Stricker, wrote:
> Mel Seder wrote:
> > 
> > --- Martin Stricker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've never run mkisofs before.  I looked at the man page and it was
> > overwhelming.  I don't want to run the risk of not being able to
> > create bootable CDs. If I can find a setp by step on what has to be
> > run I'd really like to make a bootable CD look exactly like a floppy.
> Well, I *did* read the release-notes, but that was after I got my boxed
> set... Just for completion, I'll give you some hints how to do
> mkbootdisk --iso by hand:
> First, put your bootdisk into your floppy drive (I assume /dev/fd0 here,
> dev/floppy should work as well)
> dd if=/dev/fd0 of=boot.img bs=1440 count=1
> Now you have a bootable floopy image named boot.img in the current
> directory. Now create the ISO image file:
> mkisofs -b boot.img # incomplete command, sorry!
> Now burn the ISO as image.

Or if you don't have a floppy,  
mkbootdisk --device floppy.img  `uname -r`

mkisofs -b floppy.img ....

Roger Morris

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