--- Martin Stricker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aaron Konstam wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 01:34:58PM +0200, Markku Kolkka wrote:
> > > Viestissä Keskiviikko 27. Marraskuuta 2002 05:19, Mel Seder
> kirjoitti:
> > > > Can the RH 8.0 install CD be used to boot linux?  If so,  how?
> > >
> > > Yes, type "linux rescue" at the boot prompt.
> > >
> > Bur that does not boot the current installed linux as the boot
> > floppy does.
> Well, if you want your installed Linux to be booted by a CD, you need
> to
> burn your own bootable CD - just use the image of your boot floppy as
> boot image in `mkisofs -b`.

I've never run mkisofs before.  I looked at the man page and it was
overwhelming.  I don't want to run the risk of not being able to create
bootable CDs. If I can find a setp by step on what has to be run I'd
really like to make a bootable CD look exactly like a floppy. 
> When booting in rescue mode you can get your system by typing `chroot
> /mnt/sysimage`, but you still run the CD kernel, not your own
> installed
> kernel, so additional drivers you might have compiled in will not
> work.

The above explanation about getting my filesystem from Red Hat's
install disk is the best I've seen.  Every word had to fight for it's
deserved place in your response and your heads up about driver
availability was a welcome tid-bit.  This memo will we
semi-automatically move to my keeper mail folder.  Now I can try the
Linux Care disk I burned.

Thanks for your remarks :-)

Maybe one day my beloved computers will be Windows free :-)

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