On Mon, 2002-12-02 at 06:52, Markku Kolkka wrote:

        I understand now exactly what I think I need.  My dmesg says this:

hda: 78165360 sectors (40021 MB) w/1024KiB Cache, CHS=4865/255/63, 

To clarify myself, I know my drive supports UDMA 100...do I have to
specify this in Linux itself, and if so, what/where does it go?  If not,
I assume it's in the BIOS?

Thanks again!


> Viestissä Maanantai 2. Joulukuuta 2002 03:45, Christopher Taylor kirjoitti:
> > OK...where exactly does one change the hdparms at?  I'm a newbie at
> > this...I got a "command not found" when I typed hdparm --help at the
> > term.
> You must be root to change the HD parameters.
> >  I see in dmesg where it says both drives are transferring at 33
> > MHz,
> I think you misunderstand the message. My dmesg says:
> "ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx"
> This means that the PCI bus connecting to your disc controller runs at 33MHz, 
> and this is used to time PIO mode transfers. It doesn't apply to DMA 
> transfers and it doesn't mean the speed of drive transfers.
> Another line in dmesg shows:
> "hda: 78165360 sectors (40021 MB) w/2048KiB Cache, CHS=4865/255/63, UDMA(100)"
>  The drive is running in 100MHz UDMA mode.
> > I assume, as
> > well, that the CPU-Memory Bus speed is not set somewhere by default,
> > i.e. I have to specify it runs at 266MHz?
> It's set in BIOS setup, Linux has nothing to do with it.
> -- 
>       Markku Kolkka
> -- 
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