Around about 02/12/2002 16:47, Markku Kolkka typed ...
The binary-only part of the driver _is_ compiled with gcc 2.* and that causes the problem.
Ah - I hadn't noticed there was one.
That was my next step :) Is there a more 'formal' may of listing modules to preload at boot (modules.conf or somesuch)You could put the insmod -f command in /etc/rc.d/rc.local
Which version? The one I have [not too old] compiles loads & works fine with only the gcc warning. I've not got their absolute latest RH7.3 RPM though. (only a GeForce 2, so not expecting much in the way of more improvements)Just been to the NVidia site, but they've not got an RH8 RPM for me to try again from. How can I make the module compile into a version that insmod likes?Have you actually tried that version yet?
[neil@fnx ~]# rm -f .signature
[neil@fnx ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
[neil@fnx ~]# exit
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