I started using RH with 6.1; since then, I've upgraded to every release version with minimal effort (just a few of the obligatory cutomisations to re-aaply).
RH8 has ended all of this :-( I have a list of WTFs too long to put in one posting, so I'll attack the most important ones first:
I have an NVidia card, and the SRC RPM of their kernel driver. I went to create an updated version of it for the new kernel, but the module I end up with keeps claming it's been compiled withthe wrong gcc (I don't believe it has).
While I can 'insmod -f' the thing by hand, and run X fine, booting into X fails, presumably because X is doing a non-forced module load which whinges about the version & fails.
Just been to the NVidia site, but they've not got an RH8 RPM for me to try again from. How can I make the module compile into a version that insmod likes?
[neil@fnx ~]# rm -f .signature
[neil@fnx ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
[neil@fnx ~]# exit
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