On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 01:50:03AM -0500, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> This isn't a bug.  You're not generating a final '\n' character, 
> and as such, when the program exits, and bash goes to display the 
> prompt, it overwrites the 'hello' thus showing nothing.
Mike, although I won't show you a reference to POSIX ;-), I consider
it at least an "unfortunate regression".
a) it worked for ages, and just using rpm --qf '%{arch}' was good enough
b) it makes information unavailable. If I had a program that took two
   weeks to complete and didn't output the final '\n', I would be very
   much disappointed ;-). Gratituously overwriting results of user action
   is not polite. I admit it is not a bash bug, but I'd really
   prefer not hiding the information if it can be done.

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