It is the Unicode/UTF8 thing again. I have seen almost the same thing
in my random signature script, and, as you can see in this message,
I've temporarily removed it for lack of time. For the record, the
one-liner (perfectly working in RH 7.3) was:

set signature="perl -an0777F'\n\s*\n' -e 'print \$F[rand(@F)]'

and only printed one word of the signature. This other version does
just nothing:

set signature = "perl -e '$/ = \"\n\n\";@A=<>;print
"\n$A[int(rand($#A))]"' ~/pers_doc/massime|"

This Perl/RH8.0 incompatibility has already surfaced. This thread:

gives details and some solution. I confess that I didn't check myself,
but from what they say there, it looks like it's not covered by the
release notes either.

IMPORTANT REQUEST TO RED HAT: Of course, I'll gratefully accept any
suggestion about how to fix my script, but the real solution would be
a page on the web site called "The Perl/RH 8.0 Howto" or something
like that. Something like the Postfix/Red Hat documentation, which
deals both with general and packaging specific issues.

                Marco Fioretti

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