I would like to know why you must use drivers provided by the
manufacter?  From my experience i used to have a tnt2 card i used nvidia
drivers with and had x problems from time to time. I now use a ati
radeon 7000 which performs better. and is more stable with  x using the
drivers included in x which are based off of ati's specifications.  ATI 
may not release Drivers  but they support there hardware in the open
source arena in a way nvidia  never will.  and that is letting people
know how there hardware works and allowing the distributions to release
a product that will perform properly out of the box.

Isn't it better to know how the code will interact with the kernel
rather than applying unknown code to the kernel with unknown problems. 
I have seen in magazines here so called experts saying that ATI should
be avoided as they do not support linux.  To me it seems that they are
supporting linux  much more than what nvidia does.  Its a known fact
that microsoft sees nvidias code for there drivers  they know what to
expect from that code.  Nvidia does not show that curtesy to the open
source movement.


On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 08:08, Jorge Boscán Etura wrote:
> 4 Linux; use Nvidia Geforce4 or Matrox Parhelia ATI does not produce
> drivers 4 Linux as far as i know
> El lun, 18-11-2002 a las 17:18, Keith Winston escribió:
> > On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 14:37, Alejandro González Hernández - Imoq wrote:
> > > On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 08:29, Tom Georgoulias wrote:
> > > 
> > > > An ATI Radeon 7500 is a good card that meets your criteria.  It has 
> > > > hardware acceleration under xfree86, is supported by RHL right out of 
> > > > the box, and doesn't require vendor provided drivers to get good 3D 
> > > > performance (even though you only want 2D).
> > > 
> > > 
> > > What about the ATI Radeon 8500? I just saw one with my local dealer,
> > > that is pledging for being bought :D
> > > 
> > > Does this card have RHL support?
> > 
> > The Radeon 8500 for the PC is one of the very few cards that ATI has
> > written Linux drivers for.  You can download them at the ATI web site. 
> > I haven't heard if they work well or not.
> > 
> > If you select ATI Radeon 8500 in the Red Hat display settings applet,
> > you get the same driver as the 7500 (radeon).  Again, I don't know
> > anyone who has one of these so I can't comment on how well it works.
> > 
> > Best Regards,
> > Keith
> > -- 
> > LPIC-2, MCSE, N+
> > We drive on this highway of fire
> > Got spam? Get spastic http://spastic.sourceforge.net
> -- 
> Jorge Boscán Etura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Universidad Fermín Toro
Dennis Gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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