On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 09:29, Tom Georgoulias wrote:
> Nadim Bitar wrote:
> > I need to buy a new Video Card, my ideal card would be well supported on
> > RH linux, has good 2D performance, AGP4X based and has 64MB DDR memory. 
> > Any suggestion highly appreciated.
> An ATI Radeon 7500 is a good card that meets your criteria.  It has 
> hardware acceleration under xfree86, is supported by RHL right out of 
> the box, and doesn't require vendor provided drivers to get good 3D 
> performance (even though you only want 2D).
> I'm running a 7500 on an Epox 8KTA3 Athlon motherboard at 4X AGP and 
> it's stable as can be.  I had far more crashes with my Nvidia GeForce 2 
> MX and Nvidia drivers, so changing to the ATI card really helped me out.

Does anyone have experience with the ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 in
laptops?  I am looking at new laptops and I'd like to know if anyone has
had good performance from the mobile version.  I am guessing that it
uses the same drvier (radeon) as the desktop version.

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