On Sat, 16 Nov 2002, Linn Kubler wrote:
> Oisin Feeley wrote:
> Try the following:
> First, backup your exisiting /etc/X11/XF86config somewhere and then as 
> root, from the command-line: "XFree86 -configure"  this will generate a 
> basic /etc/X11/XF86Config file.  Examine it to see if the Driver 
> "rendition" line is put in there.  If it isn't then edit it in by hand
> and 
> try starting the server.
> I guess the question still remains as to why the installation program 
> didn't pick up this chip properly though.  I think you should maybe ask
> on 
> the redhat-xfree86 list for further help
> Thanks for the suggestion, I tried it and checked for the "rendition"
> line and it is there.  However, when I run startx it starts up but is

So, then XFree86 does decide that this is not an S3 chip and that the 
appropriate driver is "rendition".  

> unusable.  Looks like the horizontal sync is out.  Had to shutdown the
> server to recover.
> I'll go ahead an post this question on the xfree86 list but I'll check
> back here too for any additional suggestions and report any success.
Hopefully you'll get some more help there, but I think I saw that Mike A. 
Harris also answered in this thread?  He's Red Hat's XFree86 guy and is 
most likely to be able to help.  Other places to try are on the xfree86 
lists themselves.  There are two: xpert and newbie 
http://www.xfree86.org/mailman/listinfo and the best thing would be to 
post first on newbie asking if anyone has a sample XF86Config and then to 
ask on Xpert if you get no answers on newbie.  (You'll need to make sure 
that your monitor horiz/vert refresh rates are adjusted properly in the 

Sorry I can't be more help.

Oisin Feeley

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