On Fri, 15 Nov 2002, Linn Kubler wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Linn Kubler wrote:
>> Question is then, how can I correct this?  I should also mention that
>> during the installation, when it let me pick the graphics card and
>> test it I couldn't get it to display any resonable resolution.  This
>> card was listed in the selection list but it would just blink and go
>> right back when I hit the test button, regardless of the resolution
>> setting.
> What chip is the card based upon?  Is it a savage?  Do a `grep "savage" 
> /etc/X11/XF86Config"  or a `grep -i "savage" /var/log/XFree86.0.log '
> and post the output here.  If it is a savage then it should be 
> possible to get it working.

Actually, given that you suspect that the XF86COnfig is inappropriate that 
doesn't help much.  It would be better to do a "/sbin/lspci -v | grep VGA"  
and then a "/sbin/lspci -n".  Matching up the output of the PCI bus info 
for the VGA controller from the first output with latter output will give 
the exact chipset.  However, from a quick Google of the XFree86 site and 
the information provided below this is not necessary.  Also, it's 
definitely not a savage, which is what I had some extra information on 
which might have helped.

> Chipset looks to be S3.  When I looked at the XF86Config file I don't

No.  It's Rendition/Micron http://www.xfree86.org/4.2.1/Status27.html#27

Replace the Driver "vga" with Driver "rendition" in the XF86Config file.

> see the Stealth II S220 at all.  It does have a section for "Device" and
> "Screen".
> "Device" shows the Identifier as "Rendition Verite 2x00"
> "Driver" is "vga"
> VendorName = "Rendition Verite 2x00"
> BoardName = "Rendition Verite 2x00"

Try the following:

First, backup your exisiting /etc/X11/XF86config somewhere and then as 
root, from the command-line: "XFree86 -configure"  this will generate a 
basic /etc/X11/XF86Config file.  Examine it to see if the Driver 
"rendition" line is put in there.  If it isn't then edit it in by hand and 
try starting the server.

I guess the question still remains as to why the installation program 
didn't pick up this chip properly though.  I think you should maybe ask on 
the redhat-xfree86 list for further help

Oisin Feeley

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