I think I was unfortunate enough to suffer some broken RPM database issues. I couldn't uninstall anything, and `rpm --rebuilddb` seemed to get hung up somewhere. At that point, I just burned my data files to CDR (after having to get cdrecord reinstalled from source) and re-installed RH. Bummer, But everything is cool now.

Ed Wilts wrote:

On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 02:10:08PM -0600, Justin Georgeson wrote:

>Anybody? Anything? I know I can backup personal files and reinstall, but
>that sucks. Isn't there anything else I can do?
>What, exactly, does the --force option of up2date do? I thought maybe I
>could just up2date --force  for each package that rpm -V
> reports missing files for. But the up2date doesn't install do
>it because I already have it installed.

The --force option is used for things like the kernel that are typically
excluded.  What you could do is download the rpms but not install them
(with the --download option) and then use rpm --replacepkgs or rpm
--force.  The rpms should be download by up2date to /var/lib/rpm.

Depending on what files were lost, you may also want to consider
running rpm2cpio on the binary rpm to give you a cpio archive.  Then use
cpio to copy the individual files over.


; Justin Georgeson
; http://www.lopht.net
; "Free the mallocs, delete the news"

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