On Fri, 15 Nov 2002, Justin Georgeson wrote:

> Anybody? Anything? I know I can backup personal files and reinstall, but 
> that sucks. Isn't there anything else I can do?
> What, exactly, does the --force option of up2date do? I thought maybe I 
> could just up2date --force <package> for each package that rpm -V 
> <package> reports missing files for. But the up2date doesn't install do 
> it because I already have it installed.

I'd use rpm --force for bad packages. Think I'd start with rpm itself, and then "rpm 
--rebuilddb" just in case.

> Justin Georgeson wrote:
> > So a few nights ago, power went out and my machine came down hard. I had
> > to run fsck manually, and there is a lot of stuff in /lost+found. I'm
> > finding many things aren't working right, indeed there are many exe's
> > missing. How do I repair this? I thought the journaling in ext3 was
> > supposed to help with stuff like this.

Help, yes. Cure, no.


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