Probably some slick way of doing this but I'm drawing a blank here.
How can I set the volume of any sound file?  I don't mean with gnome
or something but from a console login.  Or at worst from xfce.

grip has a nifty toggleable volume slide but it doesn't do any tbing.
Xfce has a nifty appliance `xfsound.  Every time I try the `test'
button it tells me:

 xfsound: Sound format of file /usr/local/share/xfce/sounds/zap02.wav
 is not supported by the sound device. The sound will not be played.
 Format requested: sampleWidth=8 channelCount=1 frameRate=8000
 Format supported: sampleWidth=16 channelCount=2 frameRate=8000

I have sound, but a very low volume.  I can play cds but ny spearkers
are not the kind with built in volume control.  I've never used sound
with linux before although I've tinkered with linux for some years
now.  Never really wanted sound when computing.

Now I'm old and insane, and want to listen to blues while I compute.

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