
I've been wrestling with this problem since 8.0 was released and I haven't
found a solution yet in any of the other forums (there is an extensive
thread on the subject at LinuxISO.org/RedHat forum). 4 or 5 hours after
logging into the box the system freezes up completely with the following

- no video updates
- mouse does not function
- keyboard does not function
- network traffic stop
- cannot SSH into the box
- cannot ping the box

At first I did not experience these problems with SuSE 8.0. By default SuSE
8.0 puts the kernel in a /boot/ partition formatted as ext2. I re-installed
SuSE I put everything on reiserFS (forgetting that /boot/ should be on ext2)
and I began to experience the same kind of freezes. So I re-installed SuSE
again with everything on ext2 and everything worked. Thinking I had found
the problem I re-installed RedHat 8.0 and put everything on ext2 and the
freezes starting happening more frequently before (on the order of a couple
of minutes rather than a couple of hours).

One thing worth mentioning--one time right before a SuSE lock up I saw in
the xconsole window a message about kernel: /dev/hdb: lost interrupt or
something along those lines. I checked the /proc/irq and everything seems to
be in order. I had thought the problem was running the kernel from a
journaling filesystem, but this apparently is not the case, since I have
reproduced the problem on an ext2 installation. I ran SuSE's memory
test...17 hours and no failures. I reformatted my drive with ext2 and did
bad block checking...no bad blocks. The computer is new and the RAM

My computer is a Gateway 500S that's about 6 months old. It has an Intel
845PT chipset with the CPU/LAN configuration with integrated ADI 1885 audio
chip (currently disabled) and Intel 8256ET NIC. I have an after-market ATI
Radeo 64MB DDR (retail box) video card and an after-market OEM SoundBlaster
Audigy MP3+. The drive I am trying to install on is a 80GB Maxtor 7200 RPM.
I've tried partitioning in several different configurations but nothing
seems to help. Right now I'm running SuSE with the kernel on /boot/ (ext2)
and / on ReiserFS and it's working fine.

In the LinuxISO.org forum I found 2 or 3 other people with the same problem.
Has anyone else seen anything like this? Any suggestions for further

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