>>>>> Tom Georgoulias <Tom> writes:
    >> These builds include xft, and are identified as Mozilla 1.3a in the
    >> "About" screen.
    >> I've been using the latest gtk2 builds with no problems.

    Tom> Nice!  Anyway you can grab a screenshot of it and post it
    Tom> somewhere so I can see the gtk2 look?

I didn't notice any difference in appearance between the 11-04 xft version
and the later gtk2 versions.  I'm running KDE; don't know if that matters.

I also recently discovered that the gtk2 versions have a bug in displaying
pdf and PostScript documents on my machine.  I have Acrobat Reader and ggv
as helper applications, and mozilla-gtk2 crashes when it tries to
swallow the helper app.

I went back to the 11-04 xft version and the problem went away.

        Ron Olsen
        Boulder Colorado

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