>>>>> Tom Georgoulias writes:

    Tom> Anyone here running the latest xft mozilla build, dated Nov 4?
    Tom> (mozilla-1.2b-2002110408_trunk_rh8_xft.i386.rpm)
    Tom> http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/nightly/experimental/xft/2002-11-04-08/

    Tom> Any comments about it?  I've been playing around with the older
    Tom> 1.2b xft build and love the effect it has had on many websites I
    Tom> frequent.  I don't think I want to go back to non-xft...  :)

I like Mozilla-xft as well. Great fonts, tabbed browsing, sidebar: it's
become my browser of choice.  It appears that Mozilla has stopped
development on the xft branch, and newer builds are appearing in the gtk2
branch.  The latest is


These builds include xft, and are identified as Mozilla 1.3a in the "About"

I've been using the latest gtk2 builds with no problems.

        Ron Olsen
        Boulder Colorado

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