On Sun, 10 Nov 2002, Arend wrote: > On Sun, 10 Nov 2002, Sander Steffann wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > > What Asus boards exactly -- meaning the model numbers -- did you fry? > > > > I don't know exactly anymore. Older boards for sure... Probably P2B-DS but I > > could be very wrong. > > > > > Does "fry" mean the boards became completely useless and unbootable, or > > > just that certain components died? > > > > No, just the keyboard controller died, but that makes to whole board useless > > since you can't reach the BIOS anymore, etc.. > > > > > I think I did hotplug either a keyboard or mouse in my Asus P4T533 board > > > and wonder if I made a mistake there. I've been hotplugging both into > > > all my machines with apparently no problems except on the P4T533 board. > > > > We hotplugged a lot until the boards started breaking. We also had a > > keyboard-connector with a broken connection once, so it's not only > > electrical risk... After that, we didn't dare to take the risk anymore. > > > > How about hotplugging USB keyboards? > > I've got a co-located server with a PS/1 keyboard and mouse resting on > top of the box. > > If I set it up with a USB keyboard, could I yank it and take it home > with me? And would it reload the drivers and work when/if I plugged it > back in?
Should work. USB is specced to be hot-plugable. I _have_ unplugged/replugged a trackbal and that worked. I was logged in, using XFree at the time, and I plugged it into a different hole. Also, on RHL you can plug a USB mouse in after install, after boot and after login and it works. I had two of the rats at once!