On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 13:40, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Nov 2002, Brian York wrote:
> >Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 16:18:41 -0500
> >From: Brian York <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "RedHat Psyce list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> >     boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C28447.BFE3B170"
> >List-Id: Discussion of Red Hat Linux 8.0 (Psyche) <psyche-list.redhat.com>
> >Subject: issues with KVM switches
> >
> >Has anyone had any problems with redhat 8 and KVM switches? When I am
> >working on another computer the switch back to rh8 box the keyboard doesn't
> >respond. Has anyone else had this problem?

> KVM switches can cause all sorts of problems.  They can corrupt 
> the monitors DDC signal, preventing monitor plug and play, they 
> can change the protocol your mouse uses, and they can corrupt 
> both the mouse and the keyboard signal.  Also, some of them turn 
> wheel mice into non-wheel mice.
> Some KVM switches get things right, and actually work, and work 
> well.  Others do not get things right, and totally screw things 
> up.  As such, using a KVM is unsupported.  If it works, great, 
> but if it does not, and the problem you encounter can not be 
> reproduced by connecting the K, V, and M directly to the 
> computer, then it is considered a KVM hardware bug, and is 
> unsupported.
> I have an ABL KVM (now owned by APC), and it works well, even 
> with wheel mice.
My Belkin OmniView has worked very well, with no problems with
mouse/keyboard or monitor detection. But I recently threw a Radeon AIW
7500 in, and the image is ghosting very severely. I'm guessing it may be
power related, since I misplaced the power adapter quite a while ago,
and it's been operating off the PS/2 connectors. I think the 7500 may
need a bit more of a signal boost, though. 

> -- 
> Mike A. Harris                ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris
> OS Systems Engineer
> XFree86 maintainer
> Red Hat Inc.
Michael Knepher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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