dear all,
many thanks for you replies. i kind of figured i was doing something wrong whilst i was in the midst of it. i'm actually studying in the library for medical finals and i was attempting to multitask with my notebook in my lap and the books on the desk........

did i back up the directory or the file? no. why didn't i just rename the file or move it somewhere else? god only knows! anyway, the one consolation is that i've been planning to reinstall anyway (i've been dual booting windows and linux for the last two or three years) but have found myself using linux almost exclusively over the last 12 months.

so, not much of a consolation but i suppose now i HAVE to back up and reinstall.......... oh well. just out of interest, the only reason why i still keep a windows partition is that i've got a hauppauge usb wintv and it only seems to work under windows. i tried vmware under psyche but apparently the asynchronous data transfer over usb that the wintv uses is not supported. does anyone know whether there is a linux driver available for the pal tv? i haven't been able to find one anywhere.

well.......... one lives and learns......... at least i now realise the importance of the /var/lib/rpm/Packages file.............. :)

thanks one and all again.


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