bear with me. i'm still quite a newbie having only been using linux for about a year.
i'm using psyche with synaptic as my package manager. something happened - synaptic crashed and when i started it up again, it was unable to start as i had two packages of krb5-workstation but different versions. i deleted /var/lib/rpm/Packages and synaptic started again. however, i now do not have a list of the installed packages on my system!!! dumb huh? now i can't get the redhat package manager or synaptic to work!!! is there a command under rpm to rebuild my package db list and get /var/lib/rpm/Packages back? i tried rpm --initdb, rpm --rebuilddb but that doesn't have seemed to work. any help would be very much appreciated..... thanks in advance. andrew. -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]