Hi all. Long time computer user/IT staffer but new linux user running RH8.
2 GNOME questions for you... 1) I want to 're-organize' some of the items in the GNOME menu. In M$ you can click and drag items around the start menu, but it doesn't appear to work like that in GNOME. What conf file controls the gnome menu (both per user and globally)? 2) I removed the RHN/update widget from the toolbar and would like to have it back. The little blue check mark makes me happy. What applet/program/etc should I link to get it back? 1 just general query for good measure: 3) I want to start tarring my home folders for backup. I know you can tell tar to exclude certain files/folders, but I can't seem to get the syntax write based on the man and --help stuff. I want to exclude one folder within /home/user1 that has music files. So... #: tar -cvz archive.tar /home/user1 doesn't cut it. Anyone have any advice? Thanks in advance. Mystical