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On Tuesday 29 October 2002 09:36 pm, Neil Hodge wrote:
> Gerry:
> On Mon, 2002-10-28 at 06:02, Gerry Doris wrote:
> > You may want to consider going to the cdrecord website and
> > downloading the latest copy of the rpms.  The author claims that the
> > version shipped with RH 8.0 is broken and shouldn't be used.  He has
> > rpms for RH 8.0 available on his site.
> I looked all over the author's web site, and found no reference to the
> RH 8.0 version of cdrecord.  Could you send along a link?  Thanks.

I believe this refers to xcdroast, not cdrecord. xcdroast is a GUI 
frontend for cdrecord. The page, and the comment about the RH 8.0 version 
is here: http://www.xcdroast.org/

I've had no problem with the Red Hat included version. I have built a new 
rpm and upgraded to the latest release anyway, but not due to any 
problems with the Red Hat included version.

- -- 
- -Michael

pgp key:  http://www.tuxfan.homeip.net:8080/gpgkey.txt
Red Hat Linux 7.{2,3}|8.0 in 8M of RAM: http://www.rule-project.org/
- --
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