----- Original Message -----
From: "Oisin C. Feeley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 23:10
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Wireless Question]

> On 22 Oct 2002, Donald E. Stidwell wrote:
> > On Tue, 2002-10-22 at 22:17, Oisin C. Feeley wrote:
> [snip]
> Cheers Donald.  That's really helpful information.
> > > Donald, could I ask you two slightly OT questions?  I'm interested in
> > > getting a wirelss card and obviously yours works so:
> [snip]
> > > 2. is it possible to make it use 40/64 bit WEP instead of the 128?
> >
> > Sure, just specify in neat that you want to use 64 bit WEP rather than
> > 128 and enter the key. Curious as to why you'd use 64 instead of 128.
> It's for my wife's laptop which she's using in a university environment
> where the APs only do 40/64-bit.  She's researched it a bit and found that
> the security aspect is not applicable because they (rightfully) insist
> that wireless users use VPN software.  Unfortunately it seems to be
> non-Free Cisco binaries :-(

Many will argue that WEP is useless, but I think it's better than nothing
and would be a deterrent to casual hackers. No, it probably won't deter a
determined hacker much, but for deterrence, 128 is better than 64.

I've seen many articles that insist that a VPN is the way to use wireless,
but quite frankly, it's more trouble than it's worth to use on my home
network. However, in a university environment - definitely worth using!

You mean there's no freeware or open source VPN stuff available for her to
use? That's would seem odd to me given that this is such a common

>  > One bad thing about WEP - on my machines, 128 bit WEP cuts
> throughput
> > about 1/3. Not really a big deal, but it is something to consider
> Again, very interesting.
> thanks,
> Oisin Feeley
> --
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