On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Keith Morse wrote:

> > If I were in your situation, I would check with the Dell resources for
> > Linux.  I do not know anything about them other than these links:
> > 
> > http://www.dell.com/linux/
> > http://domsch.com/linux
> > http://lists.us.dell.com/
> > 
> Thanks, I did find these all ready, but so far I have found any relavent 
> info.  What suspect will happen is that there won't be any support (mainly 
> from Dell) due to the age of this system.  Which is somewhat frustrating 
> as many of these types of servers are showing up on Ebay for a good price 
> and would make quite good file/print/email/web/whatever servers.

To finish up this thread, I did get it working.  I finally pulled my head 
out (amazing really, what oxygen can do for the brain cells) and updated 
the firmware from a flash update found on Dell's web site.  Autodetected 
and configured on the next boot.

Now to play with LVM.

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