On 19 Oct 2002, Keith Winston wrote:

> On Sat, 2002-10-19 at 19:01, Keith Morse wrote:
> > 
> > So far I haven't come upon any relavent hits on google or the archives for 
> > this list yet for install psyche on a raid setup for this type of 
> > hardware.   I'm wondering if any list members have any pointers to info 
> > for this type of hardware.  Pointers to URL's or others would be greatly 
> > appreciated.
> > 
> > 
> > The problem I'm having is that the installer fails to load the megaraid.o 
> > driver, complaining about options for this driver.
> About 3 weeks ago, I successfully installed SuSE 8.0 on a Dell 2300
> Poweredge server with the megaraid controller.  The install detected and
> loaded the driver without incident.  Which version of Red Hat are you
> installing?  Have you tried loading the megaraid.o manually?  Has the
> controller configuration been changed?

I like your first name.

I'm using psyche and the installer identifies the controller (seemingly) 
properly.  The "alt-f3" screen tells me that /tmp/megaraid.o tried to 
load, but failed whilst complaining about incorrect module parameters IO 
or IRQ.  I have tried insmod manually but there is no error message issued 
and a check with lsmod confirms this.  This pc is a loaner that I have no 
experience with.  It looks as though someone loaded a beta version of .NET 
on it successfully and therefore I'm reasonably sure that the hardware is 
okay.  I'm planning on nuke'ing the MS-Windows installation.

I'm also looking thru the source kernel documentation for the modules 
paramenters associated with this card, so far with no luck.

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