On Sun, 2002-10-20 at 20:51, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Hal Burgiss ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said: 
> > If it is like the non-RH mozilla-xft builds, you have to configure it
> > separately for AA. 
> > 
> > Look for /usr/lib/mozilla-*/defaults/pref/unix.js:
> >  
> > // TrueType ///////////////////////////////////////////
> >  pref("font.FreeType2.enable", true);
> >  pref("font.freetype2.shared-library", "libfreetype.so.6");
According to this link after you are done with this the
fonts you have made available will show up when you go
to the preferences screen.  Never happened for me.
I tried this fix on 7.3 and ended up with X unable to start.
Replacing the original unix.js fixed the problem imediately.
I never did get any more fonts available.  
It seems that this file (unix.js) is where the main or start up fonts
are dealt with.  Still unsure here.

Now in the /etc/X11/config/fs/config file per the man page for
xfs is where the catalog is for the font directories.
The man page also states that there is only one catalog and 
there should be more or the capability of more.
Can this list just be added to?
Maybe this is fixed in 8.0?
> These don't look right. As I understand, earlier versions could
> use freetype directly, which is what this sort of config would be for;
> what the new patch enables is use of Xft and fontconfig.

RH 7.3 came with xfs (X font server) enabled by default.  In he
configuration file XF86Config-4 in the load modules section as
        # You only need the following two modules if you do not use xfs.
        # Load  "freetype"       # TrueType font handler
        # Load  "type1"         # Adobe Type 1 font handler
So should we be using xfs or xft.  If so what does that do to printing?

I mean if these fonts are changed and or added to does this change
affect printing as well or do other configuration changes have to be
made to get printing to match the font choices.

There was an earlier post on this where the poster made the 
following recommendation.

You can install MS "core fonts for the web" via rpm.
Install both the cabextract and xf86-corefonts packages, then execute 

The poster asking the question said he downloaded the font packages
and did not execute the script and worked perfect.
The poster making the recommendation responded that it should not
work without the script.
I did both and no difference in either case.

I read another post recommended that you download a list of rpm's
from mozilla:


After doing this one I realized that the xft part of the filename
has a meaning.  I think it likely that this one is only really
going to work if you change the server that you are using.
Even though this is probably easy I have not got my head 
around this one yet.  Interestingly the poster feels his 
problem was solved by this action although I'll bet the
next part of the post was what made the difference for
Quote follows:
I had to change some preferences for mozilla by adding a file:
according to the instructions in

In this scenario you can create a custom interface for
mozilla by altering or creating a custom css.
Did this have anything to do with the rpm's added to the
system?  I don't think so as he would have had to change
to the xft server to do this.

I tried other fixes that are out there before I noticed that
the were for earlier realeases.  Yes I'm dumb.

BTW I read the font howto and a bunch of other docs.  I feel that
I may be getting close to understanding this.
Anyone have the real story?

> Bill
> -- 
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