I just downloaded and installed everything using rpm -Uvh. The upgrade went smoothly except for the following:
  • The new version installs most things to /usr/lib/mozilla-1.2b whereas the older version is in /usr/lib/mozilla-1.0.1
  • Plug-ins do not work until you copy them from /usr/lib/mozilla-1.0.1/plugins to /usr/lib/mozilla-1.2b/plugins. Once copied, flash, Acrobat reader, etc. seem to work as usual.
  • If you use the latest version of Java from Sun (I installed the full JDK) and symlink the libjavaplugin_oji.so plug-in file to the plugins directory - do not copy it - Java runs just fine. Otherwise, it crashes the browser.
  • The Mozilla 1.2 themes from mozdev.org seem to run on the new browser with no troubles.
My general impression so far is this version seems somewhat less stable compared to the one that comes with RH8, but it looks much nicer. An equitable trade for now.

Hope that helps!


Chris Williams

On Sat, 2002-10-19 at 02:46, Tom Coady wrote:
From: "Michael Fratoni"
> > Does that mean it is included in 1.2 Beta? I guess its time to check
> > this out.
> Try here:

Thanks Michael!

Any idea how these RPMs differ from the standard binary released for Linux
at this level? Reason for asking is that I have installed that but I will
install the RPMs you suggest if they are different. In fact the standard
install puts the start up binary in a directory outside my path so I guess
that's one indication this is not specific for RedHat.

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