On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 02:43, Peter Boy wrote:
> James Kaufman wrote:
> > I have two monitors and two video cards. One is Matrox G400. The
> > other is an S3/Virge. I have run them as two separate monitors under
> > Psyche and KDE, but haven't figured out how to do this using GNOME.
> The current version of Gnome doesn't support two (or more) independent
> desktops as KDE does. So it's not possible in the moment.
> There is ongoing developement to support it and it is scheduled for one
> of the next versions (if I remember correctly 2.2 end of this year).
> > Another piece of the puzzle is when I start in GNOME, my left
> > monitor is perfectly fine. The right one is blank; however, I can
> > move my mouse to the second monitor and see a cross hair. I just
> > can't do anything with the second monitor.
> That's normal. XFree does recognice and handle both monitors, but Gnome
> will not display a desktop on the second one.
> Peter

Here's a paste from an email from the gnome mailing list today, but I
don't know if the issue above is really addressed or not:


GTK+-2.1.1 is now available for download at:


This is a development release leading up to GTK+-2.2. The major 
change as compared to the stable GTK+-2.0.6 is support for
multiple displays and multiple screens in GDK, although there are
numerous minor changes as well.

Since GTK+-2.1.0, changes include independently installable
pixbuf loaders (librsvg now includes a SVG loader for GdkPixbuf),
fixes for drag-and-drop between multiple screens, and some initial
support for the RandR extension. Also this release fixes a problem
with compilation using Xft version 1.

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