Unfortunately, wait for the next redhat release;  See:
I rebuilt enlightenment-0.16.5 for RH80, and I'm using that
on our multihead systems.
-Bob Arendt

James Kaufman wrote:

I have two monitors and two video cards. One is Matrox G400. The
other is an S3/Virge. I have run them as two separate monitors under
Psyche and KDE, but haven't figured out how to do this using GNOME.

I *have* successfully run them in Xinerama mode under GNOME, but
that's not what I want. I want the two monitors to be completely
independent. I don't have a need to have a display wrap across my
monitor, and I like being able to use my TV card to display TV on
monitor 2 whilst I work on monitor 1. Xinerama won't let me do this.

Another piece of the puzzle is when I start in GNOME, my left
monitor is perfectly fine. The right one is blank; however, I can
move my mouse to the second monitor and see a cross hair. I just
can't do anything with the second monitor.

So, how should I configure the system to do what I want?

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