Stephen Liu wrote:>
>The hard drive has 3 partitions with sufficient free space for resizing and 
>adding new partitions.  I will use CD-Writer to backup.

You have 3 partitions... 
How big are these partitions and what are these partitions mounted on?
I guess partition /dev/hda1 is "/" and /dev/hda2 is the physical which holds the 
logical /dev/hda3 swap partition.  In which case you may as well re-install, 
or use some backup software or ghosting utility.

Is there a real special setup you have on this machine that you choose not 
to re-install, if not i'd go for the re-install option.  By far the most 
stress free, and just back-up your user data and any special config files 
that may aid a speedy re-configuration of your newly re-installed system.

>One addition question on 1 (one) partition case, if I backup the entire 
>hard drive, after partitioning the drive how to restore the files to their 
>respective partition.

You are backing up on to CD, unfortunately there is no magic command to 
restore the backup data, unless you were using some special backup software 
or ghost utility in which case you could have this magic command. 

I have had similar problems over the last few months i solved them by getting an 
80GB hard drive.  My desktop machine which now has two HDs a 20GB Primary 
Master with  5 partitions. /dev/hda1 is a Windoze XP partition, /dev/hda2 is a 
RH8 partition, and /dev/hda3 is a SlackWare 8.1 partition, /dev/hda4 is physical 
partition which holds /dev/hda5 my logical swap partition, which is used by both 
Slack and RH. All my user data, music, movies, and software are held on my Primary 
Slave which also has quite a few partitions but one in particular that is just used 
in case I need to backup a partition to re-install one of the OS's or something.

My drive cost me about £75 GBP, and believe me it is much less of a headache to 
re-install and mess with my system now. I have learnt more about Linux in 
the last few months than i have in the last 2 years...  Money well spent I say.

NEways, Good luck!


P.S. sorry 4 the essay...

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