Hi Muhammad

At 03:16 AM 10/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:
 - snip -

What is the current status of the said disk?  ie has it only the 1 single
partition, or more than 1 partition.

If it has 1 partition only you will need to backup on to another drive. If it
has more than one partition and you want to repartition a partition on the
drive you need to check if you have enough space on a different partition to
do a backup, if you have that's cool, Life will be made a little easier, if
not, again backup to another drive.
The hard drive has 3 partitions with sufficient free space for resizing and adding new partitions. I will use CD-Writer to backup.

One addition question on 1 (one) partition case, if I backup the entire hard drive, after partitioning the drive how to restore the files to their respective partition.

Fdisk will only mess with the partition you specify, the other partitions and
the data contained on them are safe.
Noted with thanks

BTW what are you trying to achieve from the repartitioning?
Sorry I don't catch this point.  Could you please give more detail.

Thanks in advance.


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