As I am quite generous to donate time for testing I still think that a straight
upgrade path should be possible, especially with a sophisticated packager like
On another box I upgarded debian unstable to stable with apt-get upgrade... No tweaks
My bottom line here is not my personal feeling about this, it's about handling. Kickstart
is great for large deployments, no questions asked.
Thomas Dodd wrote:
Bernd Kunze wrote:One reason for that is the unsupported migration from beta to stable. If that upgrade
path would be supported I'd test on my production systems once I would be sure
no major hickups occur.
I'm not sure about your setup, but most production systems are 1: backedup regulary. So you have a backup of before the beta. Install it, record you tweaks as you go. beta 2 comes out, restore to ber beta, check tweaks/bugs. etc..., Final release, restore to pre beta state, instal,... 2: Many sites use kickstart. We have a set of 20 servers, and can restor any one with kickstart. Bad disk? replace, and boot kickstart disk. 15-20 minutes later it's back up. The same is true for all but one Solaris system (using jumpstart). As you set up the server for beta tests, develop a kickstart setup. When the final comes out, it will be close to what you need. Make some tweaks and It's should be up quickly. -Thomas