"Robert P. J. Day" wrote:

> what frustrated me the most in this last cycle was the confusion
> regarding beta release names and mailing lists.  the first beta
> was called "limbo" and there was a limbo mailing list.  fair
> enough.
> but the second beta was *also* called limbo, and it used the
> *same* mailing list and the same bugzilla name.  so how was one
> to know whether a bug was part of the previous or current beta,
> short of looking at the component version number (which, i submit,
> we shouldn't have to do.)

This was true for roswell and skipjack as well. I really hate this! It
made me ignore the names completely. Now I only refer to RHL x.y. :-((

> to make matters worse, the third beta had a *different* name
> (null), yet continued to use the *same* mailing list (limbo),
> which was completely inconsistent.
> anyway, in a nutshell, i like being part of the beta testing
> process.  i just wish red hat made the rules and policies
> clearer on how this worked and what it meant to be part of
> the process.  and i also wish i had some real coffee at the
> moment, and not just decaf.

I hope the caffeine in the attachment helps... ;-)))))

Best regards,
Martin Stricker
Homepage: http://www.martin-stricker.de/
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