On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 21:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Michèl,
> In response to your mail of Sunday, October 13, 2002 9:12:34 PM:
> MAS> What BIOS is your computer running? I used to have a Compaq PC
> MAS> with a very minimal amount of BIOS memory; the main BIOS
> MAS> configuration program is actually located in a hidden partition.
> MAS> If you accidentally wipe it from Linux, tough. Erase Linux, go
> MAS> back to Windows and run Compaq's utilities to recreate it.
> You can usually create floppy disks with the Compaq BIOS programs, and
> boot from those to modify the BIOS settings if you need to, I believe.

Ah yes, now I remember.. been a while. That monster had a case that
could have been made from cast iron and a modified ESS1688 chipset which
means I get 1 second of sound before DMA timeouts... and a softmodem :p
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Michèl Alexandre Salim
Web:            http://salimma.freeshell.org
GPG/PGP key:    http://salimma.freeshell.org/files/crypto/publickey.asc

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