On 6 Oct 2002, Sean Millichamp wrote:

> On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 09:04, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> > tools. Somebody has earlier proposed a "More" sub-menu, where to
> > move all "Extras" entries.
> > 
> >   "System settings" > "More"
> >   "Internet" > "More"
> >   "Graphics" > "More"
> > 
> > Much better IMO.
> I really like this idea.  It keeps everything in one place and yet
> doesn't overwhelm new users.  Also, this is a concept that users new to
> Linux from the MS world would be familiar with since I believe recent
> Windows and Office versions have this concept (represented by some type
> of arrow I think) that expands to less frequently used options.

You are correct.  Recent windows versions only show the most recently used 
options and then at the bottom are some arrows you can click on to show 
the rest of the options.  M$ was probably running into a simlar problem of 
too many things on people's start bar.

And I like the redhat much better then having "Start" for the menu.  I 
never have understood the concept of clicking on "Start" when I want to 
shutdown the system. :-)


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