On Sat, 12 Oct 2002, Gerry Tool wrote:

> Tom Diehl wrote:
> >On Sat, 12 Oct 2002, Erwin J. Prinz wrote:
> >  
> >
> >
> >I know but they ONLY have @#$%^&* html versions on them. I really want 
> >to print them out. Having only html documentation is stupid. I wish RedHat
> >would go back to providing postscript docs in addition to html, pdf etc.
> >Actually I would prefer docbook or similar. That way I could make whatever
> >I want/need.
> >
> No, the documentation CD has a directory named RH-DOCS/pdf-en that 
> contains .pdf files for all of the documents:
> [gerry@gstpc gerry]$ ls /mnt/cdrom/RH-DOCS/pdf-en
> index-en.  rhl-gsg-en.pdf     rhl-rg-en.pdf  TRANS.TBL
> rhl-cg-en.pdf  rhl-ig-x86-en.pdf  rhl-sg-en.pdf

Ok, I stand corrected but I have the pdf's already. The original 
question is how to read them? The problem is when I open them with xpdf 
the font they are displayed with is too small for me to read. I can magnify
the doc but then the fonts is all broken up. If I try to print them the 
type is too small to read. So the original question which got snipped 
is is there a way to change the font and/or font size so that I can 
read/print the docs from the pdf. Printing more than individual 
pages from  documentation is very inefficient at best. 

Sorry for the confusion.

.............Tom        "Nothing would please me more than being able to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     hire ten programmers and deluge the hobby market 
                        with good software." -- Bill Gates 1976

                        We are still waiting ....

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