Tom Diehl wrote:

On Sat, 12 Oct 2002, Erwin J. Prinz wrote:

I know but they ONLY have @#$%^&* html versions on them. I really want to print them out. Having only html documentation is stupid. I wish RedHat
would go back to providing postscript docs in addition to html, pdf etc.
Actually I would perfer docbook or similar. That way I could make whatever
I want/need.

Thanks anyway,

No, the documentation CD has a directory named RH-DOCS/pdf-en that contains .pdf files for all of the documents:

[gerry@gstpc gerry]$ ls /mnt/cdrom/RH-DOCS/pdf-en
index-en.html rhl-gsg-en.pdf rhl-rg-en.pdf TRANS.TBL
rhl-cg-en.pdf rhl-ig-x86-en.pdf rhl-sg-en.pdf


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