LibreOffice reads the file fine? I don't understand the error message but if there's an issue with line 10, I'd try reading the first nine lines. If that works, I'd examine line 10 carefully. I think the error is that PSPP sees invalid data at some point.

Out of curiosity, does this file have a BOM (byte order marker)? Because I think that's how a program would autodetect the character encoding, but if the program reading the file doesn't know about a BOM, it causes trouble. But usually by making the first label wrong, so probably not an issue here.


On 10/28/2023 2:08 PM, Andreas Hammer wrote:


i have a problem to import a csv-file (comma-delimited) with about 130 variables and 2.900 cases.

│Version                 │GNU pspp 2.0.0-pre1g53a4da        │
│Hostsystem              │x86_64-w64-mingw32                │
│Build System            │x86_64-pc-linux-gnu               │
│Lokale Sprachverzeichnis│C:\Program Files\PSPP/share/locale│
│Compilerversion         │10-win32 20210110                 │
I run win11.

I see the file content (screenshot 1) and the next step shows nothing (screenshot 2).

I have taken into account the character set (I set manualy UTF 8 because automatic does not work at this file).
I have tried different variants (csv, ods)

10.1: Fehler: GET DATA: Syntaxfehler: Erwarte Bezeichner. (probably: expect  QUALIFIER)
   10 |
      | ^

Any idea to solve my problem?

Thank you.

Best Greetings

Andreas Hammer

Andreas Hammer M. A.
Beratung  & Evaluation
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