FYI and FWIW, Windows users: I think this is the most recent version for Windows (from 26 FEB 2023):

You can verify for yourself at the time that you download (because it will change) by navigating to the link for "Windows installers" at the bottom of this page: and then scanning the list which is in order of an arbitrary hash value (so essentially in random order) for the folder with the most recent date. The files inside the folder are the installers:

Index of /downloads/windows/pspp-win-daily/1.6.2-g064e63/
pspp-64bit-debug-install.exe                       26-Feb-2023 03:33            68596269 pspp-64bit-install.exe                             26-Feb-2023 03:33            29317910


On 2/27/2023 12:12 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
Hello, folks. I think that it's about time for a new PSPP release.
Because CTABLES has been implemented, which is a major
feature that people have been clamoring for for years, I think
I will call this version 2.0.

Please try out the current pre-release version.  You can find
some information on how to try pre-releases at the bottom
of, under
Development Versions.




Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
President, Talent Algorithms Inc.

science + technology = better workers

Comma Before Too

Using a comma before "too" is optional.

    I like bananas too. I too like bananas.

A comma simply adds emphasis:

    I like bananas, too. I, too, like bananas.


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