Hello. Thank you for the report.

This could mean that the SAV file has some corruption in it. Extension
record 22 defines missing values for long string variables (longer than 8
bytes). If there's an error in this record, then those missing values would
be wrong. It could also mean that the file is OK but PSPP can't read it
properly because it doesn't understand this particular record properly.

If you're able to send me this file, I can distinguish these cases for you
and, if PSPP has a bug, I will fix it. I will not share your file with

On Sun, Feb 19, 2023 at 12:47 PM Andreas Hammer <aham...@t-online.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> after opening a sav file there was the following error message:
> German: nahe Offset 0x56c31: Erweiterungseintrag des Untertyps 22 endet
> unerwartet.
> Engish: near offset 0x56c31: extension entry of subtype 22 ends
> unexpectedly.
> Other files are error free.
> The sav file contains about 19,000 records (18 megabytes).
> I'm using the latest pspp-Version with win 10.
> What does the error message mean?
> Thank you.
> Greetings
> Andreas Hammer

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